OLA.. ha 12
Sep 2012
First off, thanks so much for your
support in all that I’m doing. I know that I couldn’t do it without you guys. Mom
and Dad I know that you are sacrificing a ton to pay for all of this and for
that i am so grateful.
Another week has passed here in Santiago.
This week was good, we had our first meeting with all of the zone leaders and
the President to talk about what the mission needs. We also we had our first zone meeting for
this transfer. The people of Santiago have been recently blessed in their
church efforts. The church just barely
put in a new institute building and it is gorgeous. The new office of the
mission is on the second floor and on the first floor there are classes, ping
pong table, a kitchen, and more offices.
It is beautiful and our house is right next to it!
NOTE: the new mission address where
you send me packages is: (Christmas is just around the corner) haha (Dad’s
note: this new address is on Matt’s blog)
Elder Griner
Avenida Estrella Sadhalla#10 2do Piso
Frente a Universidad UTESA
Santiago, Republica Dominicana
We have been talking a lot about
less active members in our meeting. In past
years missionaries have been baptizing a lot and perhaps the structure was not
there to support, so not many have stayed active. Presidente Douglas really wants us to go out
and find the less actives and bring them back. So, in all of our meetings we
have talked about that.
I conducted our zone meeting and had
a lot of fun doing it. I got to talk about "work" ha and how we need
to forget about ourselves and get to work. I shared many thoughts about our
planning time and how planning relates to football; a real game with a game
plan compared with back yard football where everyone runs where there want. It
was fun and I think everyone understood. I shared 3 Nephi 5:13 to finish which
is the scripture of our mission and it went really well.
We did an exchange with 2 other
elders this Monday and I was with elder Zaldivar from Honduras. We had a good
time. One of our lessons was amazing, we were able to share with one of the investigators
(that has a baptismal date) about “the restoration” and the Book of Mormon. This lady understood more clearly than anyone
else has in my mission. ha I was so happy I wanted to cry . After that, we had
the chance to have a family home evening with a Haitian that just got baptized
not too long ago. We got to his house and sat down with him and his sister, we
sang and had a pray, then one by one about 6 of his cousins came into the room
and we had the best FHE ever! Haha. I really need to learn more Creole, I only
know a little bit
Honestly, I would invite all of you
to get involved with the missionaries or finding less active members. I know that Utah has a lot of members, but
there are still a lot of people that are out there that need your help!
Family I love you so much . I think
about you all of the time. I miss you a ton and hope you know that no matter
what happens, it all happens for a reason. The Lord is watching over our family
and he knows our needs. My wish is that we can all one day be together with him.
bye bye ! ha
Elder Griner
Mision Santiago RD

The lesson with the Haitians
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